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휴일과 주말에는 배송이 불가능하며, 목요일 오후 3시 이후의 주문은 다음 월요일이나 영업일에 배송됩니다.
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Discover the rich, umami-packed flavors of Korean Soy Marinated Crab (간장게장), a delicacy made with fresh Gunsan crabs marinated in a savory soy sauce blend. Known as "the rice thief", this dish delivers a perfect balance of salty, sweet, and briny flavors with silky, melt-in-your-mouth crab meat. At Kevin’s Choice, we source only the best Gunsan crabs, prized for their soft shells and plump meat, ensuring an authentic and premium experience. Whether mixed with rice or enjoyed straight from the shell, this is a must-try Korean seafood specialty. Order now and taste the tradition!
케빈스초이스의 세일 소식과 뉴스를 받아보세요!