1-DAY EXPRESS는 미국 모든 주에 제공됩니다. (알라스카, 하와이 예외)
(오늘 오후 3시 이전에 주문하면 내일 받을 수 있습니다).
휴일과 주말에는 배송이 불가능하며, 목요일 오후 3시 이후의 주문은 다음 월요일이나 영업일에 배송됩니다.
주문 금액이 $179 이상인 경우 무료 배송이 제공됩니다.
알래스카와 하와이에 사는 분들은 주문하실 때 전화로 문의해주세요. 646.877.5436
자세한 정보는 여기에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 〉〉〉
Premium and Nutritious
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Keep Frozen. 0°F
Discover the exceptional taste and nutritional benefits of Jeju Red Tilefish, now available at Kevin's Choice. This premium Korean seafood, once recognized as a tribute to the royal court, is known for its delicate and tender flavor. Rich in protein, minerals, and other essential nutrients, Jeju Red Tilefish is a perfect example of authentic Korean food that brings a touch of elegance to any meal.
Jeju Red Tilefish is caught using sustainable fishing methods in the clean, deep waters around Jeju Island. The fish are carefully cleaned to remove entrails and scales, then hygienically vacuum-sealed to preserve their freshness and unique flavor. The natural oils from the fish help retain moisture, ensuring a tender and juicy texture without the need for additional preparation.
With its mild and delicate taste, Jeju Red Tilefish can be enjoyed in various recipes. It can be grilled to a golden perfection, used in stews, or incorporated into a variety of traditional Korean dishes. The fish is easy to prepare, making it a convenient and delicious option for any home cook.
This high-quality fish is sourced fresh daily from the Haenlim and Seogwipo cooperatives, ensuring you receive only the best. The fish are auctioned each morning at the harbor, guaranteeing the highest level of freshness for your table.
케빈스초이스의 세일 소식과 뉴스를 받아보세요!