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Delightfully Crispy and Sweet
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Keep Frozen 0°F
Air-Fry 360°F 8-12 mins.
180 Kcal / Serving (Serving Size, 3.52oz. 100g)
Sweet Potato, Purified Water, Frying Powder [Wheat Flour, Corn Starch, Corn Flour, Synthetic Bulking Agent (Sodium Bicarbonate, Acid Sodium Pyrophosphate, Corn Starch, Monobasic Calcium Phosphate, Calcium Stearate), Refined Salt, Roasted Rice Powder, Garlic Concentrated Powder, Pepper Powder], Blended Edible Oil (Soybean Oil, Palm Olein Oil, Emulsifier, Vitamin A), Tapioca Starch (Cassava, Purified Water), Wheat Flour, Sugar, Refined Salt, L-Glutamate, Tumeric Powder
Contains: Wheat, Soybeans.
Crispy, Sweet, and Irresistible
Enjoy the perfect harmony of crispy and sweet with Deep Fried Sweet Potato (고구마튀김), now available at Kevin’s Choice. This beloved Korean snack transforms slices of sweet potato into golden, crispy delights coated in a delicate batter. Whether as a snack or a side dish, this deep-fried favorite brings the taste of authentic Korean cuisine to your table.
달콤하고 바삭한 고구마튀김
달콤한 고구마를 바삭하게 튀겨, 누구나 좋아할 맛과 식감을 선사하는 고구마튀김입니다.
Crispy Texture and Natural Sweetness
Our Deep Fried Sweet Potato is loved for its light, crispy coating that complements the natural sweetness of the sweet potato. Each slice is carefully prepared, coated in a thin batter, and deep-fried to perfection, ensuring every bite delivers a satisfying crunch and sweet flavor. This simple yet delightful combination makes it an instant favorite for any occasion.
고구마튀김의 바삭함과 자연스러운 단맛
얇고 바삭한 튀김옷과 고구마 본연의 단맛이 어우러져 누구나 즐길 수 있는 간식입니다. 하나하나 정성스럽게 튀겨내어 언제나 만족스러운 맛을 제공합니다.
Easy and Quick to Prepare
Designed for convenience, this Deep Fried Sweet Potato can be cooked directly from frozen, making it a hassle-free option for busy days or spontaneous cravings. Whether enjoyed as a snack, paired with rice, or served as a side dish, this versatile treat adds a delightful touch to any meal.
간편하게 즐길 수 있는 고구마튀김
냉동 상태에서 바로 조리가 가능하여, 바쁜 날에도 간편하게 준비할 수 있습니다. 간식으로 즐기거나 밥과 함께 곁들여 드시면 더욱 맛있게 즐기실 수 있습니다.
Why Deep Fried Sweet Potato Stands Out
Usage Tips
Savor the crispy and sweet perfection of Deep Fried Sweet Potato, a beloved Korean snack that’s easy to prepare and perfect for any occasion. Available now at Kevin’s Choice!
케빈스초이스의 세일 소식과 뉴스를 받아보세요!