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Spicy and Chewy
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Seasoned salted fish [Frozen pollock meat, salt, red pepper powder, starch syrup, sugar, garlic, vinegar, ginger, sesame oil], starch syrup, D-sorbitol solution, paprika extract color, green tea powder.
Contains: Fish, Sesame
Discover the delightful taste and texture of Seasoned Pollack Salad, prepared by carefully selecting and refining pollack with green tea and salt to remove any impurities. This traditional Korean delicacy is first fermented, then lightly pickled with vinegar, salt, and sugar to achieve a tender yet chewy texture. It’s then coated in a spicy-sweet marinade that awakens the palate and pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes. Top your cold noodles, serve as a side with rice, or enjoy as a flavorful appetizer with meats. Its versatility and rich, savory taste will make it a standout addition to your meal.
담백하고 부드러운 명태살을 새콤달콤 매콤한 양념으로 완성한 별미 반찬
정성스럽게 손질한 명태살을 식초, 소금, 설탕으로 절여 쫄깃하면서도 부드러운 식감을 살린 뒤, 매콤달콤한 양념을 듬뿍 버무린 녹차 명태회 무침을 만나보세요. 녹차사루와 소금으로 불순물을 제거해 깔끔하고 잡내 없는 맛을 즐길 수 있습니다. 냉면이나 막국수에 올리면 감칠맛을 더해주며, 밥반찬이나 안주로 활용하기에도 제격입니다. 한입 맛보면 새콤달콤한 양념과 명태 특유의 부드러운 감칠맛이 입맛을 돋워줍니다.
The pollack is meticulously prepared with green tea and salt, ensuring a clean and fresh base before it’s marinated in a balanced blend of spicy, sweet, and tangy flavors. This results in a dish that’s both vibrant and refreshing, appealing to a wide range of tastes.
녹차사루와 소금으로 불순물을 제거한 명태살을 알맞게 절여, 매콤달콤한 양념을 입혀 맛과 식감 모두를 만족시키는 반찬으로 완성했습니다.
Perfect as a topping for cold noodle dishes, a savory side to complement rice and soups, or as an appetizer with grilled meats and drinks. The seasoned pollack salad brings depth and character to any meal.
냉면이나 막국수 고명, 식사 반찬, 안주 등 다양한 방식으로 즐길 수 있어 식탁을 한층 풍성하게 만들어줍니다.
HACCP Certified for Quality and Safety
HACCP 인증으로 안심할 수 있는 맛
Refrigerate and consume promptly after opening for the best flavor and freshness.
케빈스초이스의 세일 소식과 뉴스를 받아보세요!