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Crafted with Premium Ingredients
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Premium Ingredients: Made with 100% Korean Ilpum brown rice for exceptional flavor and quality.
Thin and Crispy: Pressed to under 2mm for a light and satisfying crunch.
Versatile Usage: Enjoy as a snack, brew into nurungji soup, or add to dishes for a unique twist.
Rich in Nutrients: Packed with Vitamin E from germinated brown rice, known to promote anti-aging and overall health.
Store in a dry and cool place.
Enjoy as snack or with milk or tea.
Brown Rice
The Perfect Healthy Snack or Meal
Kevin's Choice Crispy Brown Rice Nurungji is a versatile treat you can enjoy as a light snack or brew into a comforting bowl of nurungji soup. Made from premium brown rice, it delivers a deliciously nutty flavor and crispy texture, perfect for any time of the day.
프리미엄 간식과 영양 듬뿍 누룽지탕을 한 번에!
얇고 바삭한 식감으로 간식으로 즐기기에도, 끓는 물에 우려 든든한 한 끼로도 좋은 Kevin's Choice 현미 누룽지. 어디서나 간편하게 즐길 수 있는 영양 간식입니다.
Crafted with Premium Ingredients
Our nurungji is made with 100% Korean-grown Ilpum brown rice from Uiseong, Gyeongbuk, a region renowned for its high-quality rice. Only the finest grains are selected to create this artisanal snack, carefully crafted with care and precision. Thinly pressed to less than 2mm, it offers a light, crispy texture that's perfect as a pre-meal or post-meal treat.
최상의 재료로 정성스럽게 만든 누룽지
경북 의성에서 재배된 최고급 일품 쌀을 사용하여 얇고 바삭하게 제작된 명품 수제 누룽지입니다. 엄선된 1등급 나락만을 사용하여, 언제나 신선하고 맛있게 즐기실 수 있습니다.
Why Kevin's Choice Brown Rice Nurungji Stands Out
건강과 맛을 동시에 누릴 수 있는 Kevin's Choice 현미 누룽지
비타민 E가 풍부한 발아현미로 만들어 건강 간식으로도, 전통적인 한 끼 대용으로도 안심하고 드실 수 있습니다.
Treat yourself to the comforting taste and crispy texture of Kevin's Choice Brown Rice Nurungji. A healthy, versatile snack that brings a modern twist to a traditional Korean favorite!
케빈스초이스의 세일 소식과 뉴스를 받아보세요!