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Use as dressing
Mixed soy sauce, defatted soybean, barley, purified water, sea salt, other sugars, rice wine, yeast extract powder, unrefined sugar, clear rice wine, dried anchovies, kelp, green onions, ginger, jujube, radish, ginseng, shiitake mushrooms, onions.
Contains: Soy, Wheat
Elevate Your Meals with Authentic Korean Soy Sauce
Kevin’s Choice Special Soy Sauce for Rice Bowl Dishes (밥간장) is the ultimate Korean condiment for bringing out the best in your dishes. With its perfectly balanced blend of savory and subtly sweet notes, this all-purpose soy sauce transforms simple meals into flavorful culinary delights.
밥 한 그릇의 품격을 높이는 비법 간장
Kevin’s Choice 밥간장은 뜨끈한 밥에 달걀노른자와 함께 비비기만 해도 풍부한 맛을 선사하는 한국 전통 양념장입니다. 감칠맛 나는 달콤짭짤한 풍미로 누구나 손쉽게 맛있는 한 끼를 완성할 수 있습니다.
Crafted for Versatility and Rich Flavor
Specially formulated for rice bowls, this soy sauce pairs beautifully with a variety of dishes, including stir-fries, braised meats, stews, and egg dishes like bibimbap and omelets. Made from fresh, carefully selected ingredients, it combines premium soy sauce and vegetable broth, aged to perfection for a deep, complex flavor profile. Its low-sodium formula ensures a healthier option without compromising on taste.
다양한 요리에 어울리는 간장
볶음 요리, 조림, 찌개 등은 물론 비빔밥, 계란 요리에도 제격인 만능 간장. 신선한 재료와 식물성 육수를 이상적인 비율로 배합해 건강한 맛을 제공합니다.
Why Kevin’s Choice Special Soy Sauce Stands Out
밥간장으로 완성하는 간편하고 맛있는 요리
비빔밥, 계란밥, 또는 볶음 요리에 간단히 추가해 한식의 깊은 풍미를 손쉽게 느껴보세요.
Usage Tips:
Bring the authentic taste of Korea to your table with Kevin’s Choice Special Soy Sauce for Rice Bowl Dishes. Perfect for adding richness to everyday meals, this versatile soy sauce is a must-have for your kitchen.
케빈스초이스의 세일 소식과 뉴스를 받아보세요!