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60 Times More Omega-3 Than Olive Oil? - The Health Benefits and Storage Tips of Perilla Oil

60 Times More Omega-3 Than Olive Oil? - The Health Benefits and Storage Tips of Perilla Oil

Did You Know? Perilla Oil Has Up to 60 Times More Omega-3 Than Olive Oil – Plus Health Benefits and Storage Tips

If you’re on the lookout for a nutrient-dense oil, let me introduce you to perilla oil (들기름)—a Korean staple with an impressive nutritional profile. Not only does this oil have a rich, nutty flavor that enhances dishes, but it also contains up to 60 times more omega-3 than olive oil! Intrigued? Let’s dive into the health benefits and the best ways to store this amazing oil for maximum freshness.

Why Perilla Oil (들기름) is a Nutritional Powerhouse
들기름이 건강에 좋은 이유

Perilla oil, derived from the seeds of the perilla plant, is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). In fact, up to 60% of perilla oil consists of ALA, making it one of the richest plant-based sources of omega-3 available. To put it into perspective, olive oil contains less than 1% omega-3, giving perilla oil a significant edge.

Here are some key health benefits:

  • Boosts brain health: Omega-3 fatty acids in perilla oil are converted to DHA, which is crucial for cognitive function. Regular consumption can enhance memory and support overall brain health as we age (Breaking Asia).
  • Supports heart health: The high concentration of omega-3 helps lower blood pressure and reduces inflammation, promoting cardiovascular wellness.
  • Enhances nutrient absorption: Perilla oil improves the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients like beta-carotene from vegetables, giving you a nutritional boost when paired with foods like carrots and sweet potatoes.


들기름에는 오메가-3가 풍부하게 들어있습니다. 올리브오일보다 약 60배 가량 많이 들어있고 혈압을 낮춰 심혈관 건강에 도움이 됩니다.

authentic cold pressed perilla oil %uD55C%uAD6D%uC0B0 %uC800%uC628%uC555%uCC29 %uB4E4%uAE30%uB984

Avoid High-Temperature Pressed Perilla(& sesame) Oil
항상 저온압착 들기름(&참기름)을 확인하세요!

Not all perilla oils are created equally. Some are made using high-temperature pressing to increase yield and cut costs, allowing manufacturers to extract more oil from the seeds. However, this process can destroy many of the beneficial nutrients and may even introduce harmful substances like trans fats and benzopyrene, a carcinogen formed during high-heat processing (Breaking Asia) (Utopia). For this reason, always opt for cold-pressed (저온압착) perilla oil to ensure you’re getting the full health benefits.

기름을 많이 만들기 위해 많은 제조사들이 고온압착으로 기름을 만들어내는데, 들기름 참기름은 고온에서 만들어지면 트랜스지방와 벤조피렌이라는 발암물질이 만들어집니다. “저온압착” 확인하고 구매하세요!


How to Properly Store Perilla Oil
들기름 오래 보관하는 방법

Because perilla oil is rich in unsaturated fats, it can spoil quickly if not stored properly. Here’s how to keep it fresh:

  1. Store in a cool, dark place: Exposure to light and heat speeds up rancidity. A pantry or cupboard away from direct sunlight is ideal.
  2. Keep the bottle sealed: Make sure the bottle is tightly closed after each use to minimize air exposure.
  3. Buy smaller quantities: Since perilla oil has a shelf life of about 6 months, it’s best to buy smaller bottles and use them up quickly.
  4. Refrigerate after opening: To extend its life, especially if you don’t use it often, store the oil in the fridge.
  5. Blend with sesame oil: If you’re concerned about the oil going bad, mix it with sesame oil. The antioxidants in sesame oil help slow down the oxidation process (The Kitchen).

들기름은 불포화 지방이 많아 쉽게 산패할수 있습니다. 항상 뚜겅을 꼭 닫으시고, 냉장보관하셔야 합니다. 들기름은 한번 열고나서는 어서 드시는것이 좋기 때문에 적은양으로 자주 사 드시는것을 추천합니다.

Delicious Ways to Use Perilla Oil
비빔밥, 나물, 샐러드등 들기름의 향을 즐겨보세요

Perilla oil’s rich, nutty flavor is perfect for enhancing a variety of dishes. Whether drizzled over salads or used as a garnish in soups, it adds a unique depth to your meals. However, because it’s sensitive to heat, it’s best used in cold dishes or as a finishing oil.

Here are some ideas:

  • Use it to dress steamed vegetables for a delicious nutty flavor.
  • Drizzle it over bibimbap or other Korean dishes for an extra layer of richness.
  • Add it to salads or soups for a subtle, earthy taste that’s packed with omega-3 goodness (Breaking Asia) (Utopia).

Capturing Health and Flavor in One Bite

Perilla oil (들기름) is a nutritional powerhouse rich in omega-3 fatty acids, making it an excellent addition to your diet for brain, heart, and overall health. Just remember, cold-pressed (저온압착) varieties offer the most benefits, and proper storage is essential to keep it fresh. By incorporating perilla oil into your daily meals, you’ll not only enjoy its delicious flavor but also give your body a significant nutritional boost.


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