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Korean oils to take over your pantry!

Korean oils to take over your pantry!

Korean Oils to Take Over Your Pantry! (맛있는 참기름 들기름 쟁여두세요!)

Amidst the rising popularity of olive oil, a plethora of healthy oils has flooded the market. Yet, even without actively seeking alternatives, we've been using oils as beneficial for our health as olive oil all along. Enter sesame oil (참기름) and perilla oil (들기름)—staples of Korean cuisine with a history dating back over a thousand years, well beyond a millennium.

In a surprising turn of events, at the 2012 France World Edible Oil Contest, sesame oil and perilla oil clinched the gold and silver awards. This unexpected accolade from France, renowned for its discerning palate, sparked a movement to reevaluate and rediscover the value of our traditional oils.

올리브 오일이 전 세계적으로 사랑받는 가운데, 한국의 참기름과 들기름이 건강하고 맛있는 오일로 새롭게 주목받고 있습니다. 특히 2012년 프랑스 세계 식용유 대회에서 금상과 은상을 수상하며 전통 오일의 가치를 재조명하는 계기가 되었습니다.

한국산 저온압착 참기름 사진 Premium Korean cold pressed sesame oil

Good Land, Good Crops! (좋은 땅, 좋은 작물!)

Quality ingredients are the cornerstone of great taste in any cuisine. Nestled in the heart of Chungcheongnam-do, Nonsan (논산) has long been revered as a prime agricultural hub in Korea. Blessed with lush rivers, verdant mountains, and a temperate climate, this region boasts abundant water resources and optimal growing conditions.

Harnessing the bounties of nature, Kevin's Choice meticulously crafts sesame oil and perilla oil, drawing upon three generations of expertise honed over 50 years of tending to the land with a deep reverence for the environment.

논산은 비옥한 토지와 풍부한 수자원으로 한국에서 최고의 농업 지역 중 하나로 손꼽힙니다. Kevin’s Choice의 참기름과 들기름은 자연의 혜택과 50년간의 노하우를 바탕으로 정성껏 만들어졌습니다.

Health Benefits of Sesame Oil and Perilla Oil (참기름과 들기름의 건강 효능)

Sesame Oil (참기름):

Rich in antioxidants like lignans, sesame oil is known for its anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering properties. Its high omega-6 content also supports heart health. In fact, sesame oil is often considered more effective than olive oil in reducing cholesterol levels.

Perilla Oil (들기름):

Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, perilla oil is a powerhouse for cardiovascular health and reducing inflammation. It also contains unsaturated fatty acids that nourish the brain, helping to prevent cell damage and supporting cognitive function.

참기름은 항산화 성분인 리그난이 풍부하며 염증을 줄이고 콜레스테롤 수치를 낮추는 데 효과적입니다. 들기름은 오메가-3 지방산이 풍부해 심혈관 건강과 염증 완화에 탁월한 효능을 제공합니다.

Korean sesame manufacturer showing process

How Are They Used? (참기름과 들기름의 활용법)

Sesame oil and perilla oil, while sharing some similarities, each offer distinct flavors and culinary uses:

  • Sesame Oil (참기름):
    Commonly used in namul (나물) dishes, sesame oil enhances the flavor of seasoned vegetables with its rich, nutty aroma. It’s also a must-have for geotjeori (겉절이), adding depth to fresh kimchi salads.

  • Perilla Oil (들기름):
    Known for its unique flavor, perilla oil shines in dishes like pan-fried tofu and seasoned kimchi with rice bran. It’s also a favorite for drizzling over namul, creating a distinct and aromatic twist.

참기름은 나물 무침과 겉절이에 주로 사용되며, 고소한 풍미로 요리의 깊이를 더합니다. 들기름은 두부구이나 쌀겨 김치와 같은 요리에 독특한 맛을 더해줍니다.

Korean_sesame_oil_with pork belly

The Most Crucial Production Process (생산 과정의 중요성)

While sesame oil and perilla oil boast numerous health benefits, their production process significantly impacts their quality and safety:

  • Low-Temperature Roasting (저온 로스팅):
    Many companies use high-temperature roasting to intensify aroma and increase yield, which can lead to the formation of harmful benzopyrene. At Kevin’s Choice, we use low-temperature roasting to preserve nutrients and prevent carcinogen formation.

  • Single Pressing (단일 압착):
    We press seeds only once to maintain cleanliness and quality, yielding smaller quantities but ensuring exceptional flavor and safety.

Kevin’s Choice는 저온 로스팅과 단일 압착 방식을 사용해 영양소를 보존하고 소비자의 안전을 보장합니다.

Storage Methods for Sesame Oil and Perilla Oil (참기름과 들기름의 보관 방법)

  • Sesame Oil (참기름):
    Sesame oil contains natural antioxidants like lignans, allowing it to remain stable even at room temperature. Store it in a cool, dark place, tightly sealed, to maintain its flavor and aroma.

  • Perilla Oil (들기름):
    Due to its high omega-3 content, perilla oil spoils quickly at room temperature. Store it in an airtight container at a temperature below 4°C (39°F) to preserve its taste and aroma.

참기름은 실온에서도 안정적이지만, 들기름은 반드시 냉장 보관해야 맛과 향을 오래 유지할 수 있습니다.

View Kevin's Choice Premium Sesame Oil

View Kevin's Choice Premium Perilla Oil


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