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Simple Anchovy Broth (멸치육수): A Recipe for Cozy Korean Comfort

Simple Anchovy Broth (멸치육수): A Recipe for Cozy Korean Comfort

Korean medium sized anchovy 한국산 3단 살균 볶음멸치


Korean anchovy broth, known as "myeolchi yuksu (멸치 육수)", is a savory and aromatic soup base made from dried anchovies, water, and sometimes kombu (dried kelp). It's an easy-to-make staple in Korean cuisine and a healthy food choice, offering a clean and refreshing taste with a subtle umami flavor from the anchovies. Often described as light yet flavorful, this versatile broth serves as the foundation for various Korean dishes such as soups, stews, and sauces, including the beloved myeolchi guksu (멸치 국수) (anchovy noodle soup) and doenjang jjigae (된장찌개) (soybean paste stew).

멸치 육수는 건멸치와 물, 때로는 다시마로 만든 한국 요리의 필수 국물 베이스입니다. 깔끔하고 감칠맛 나는 맛으로 다양한 요리에 사용되며, 간편하면서도 건강한 선택으로 손꼽힙니다.

Its popularity in Korea stems from its ability to enhance the natural flavors of other ingredients while imparting a depth of umami richness to dishes. Anyone looking to explore authentic Korean cuisine should try making and using anchovy broth for its unique and satisfying taste profile.

멸치 육수는 재료 본연의 맛을 살리면서도 깊은 감칠맛을 더해주는 특성 덕분에 한국에서 매우 인기가 많습니다. 진정한 한국 요리를 탐험하고 싶다면 멸치 육수를 사용해보세요!

Ingredients (재료):

  • Dried Anchovies (건멸치): 30g (Buy here)
  • Water (물): 6 cups

How to Make Korean Anchovy Broth (멸치 육수 만드는 방법):

  1. Prepare the dried anchovies (멸치 준비하기):
    Remove the heads and guts from the dried anchovies for a cleaner taste. If the anchovies are too large, chop them into smaller pieces for easier consumption.
    멸치의 머리와 내장을 제거해 깔끔한 맛을 만들어주세요. 멸치가 크면 먹기 좋게 잘라 준비하세요.

  2. Boil the anchovies (멸치 끓이기):
    Pour water into a pot and add the prepared dried anchovies.
    냄비에 물을 붓고 준비한 멸치를 넣어주세요.

  3. Simmer for flavor (국물 끓이기):
    As the water begins to boil, the aroma of the dried anchovies will start to emerge; at this point, reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for about 20 minutes until the flavor is fully infused into the broth.
    물이 끓기 시작하면 멸치의 향이 퍼지기 시작합니다. 불을 약하게 줄이고 약 20분간 더 끓여 멸치의 풍미가 국물에 충분히 배도록 하세요.

  4. Strain and use (멸치 건져내기):
    Once the broth has become flavorful, strain out the dried anchovies. Your anchovy broth is now ready to use in a variety of dishes.
    멸치 육수가 완성되면 멸치를 건져내고 다양한 요리에 사용할 준비가 되었습니다.

korean broth tablet no msg 코인육수 무조미료

Pro Tip: Save Time with Broth Tablets!

Instead of dealing with anchovies and lengthy cooking times, consider using a broth tablet instead. Kevin's Choice All-Purpose Broth Tablets make creating a flavorful broth foolproof and incredibly convenient. Made with 20 natural ingredients and free from 8 common additives and preservatives, our broth tablets provide a clean and wholesome flavor, allowing you to focus on impressing your guests!

긴 조리 시간 대신 Kevin’s Choice 만능 육수 코인을 사용해보세요. 20가지 천연 재료로 만들어졌으며, 방부제나 인공 첨가물이 들어 있지 않아 간편하면서도 건강한 국물을 만들 수 있습니다. 손쉽게 깊고 진한 맛을 완성하고 요리 시간을 절약하세요!

View Broth Tablets

한국산 디포리 Korean sardine for broth detail online product

Introducing 디포리: Korean Sardine for Broth

Another popular option for making broth in Korean cuisine is 디포리, a type of dried sardine specifically used for creating flavorful soup bases. Larger and meatier than anchovies, 디포리 provides a slightly sweeter and deeper umami flavor, making it an excellent choice for dishes like gukbap (국밥), jjigae (찌개), and tteokguk (떡국).

디포리는 국물용으로 특화된 한국식 건조 정어리로, 멸치보다 크고 살이 많아 살짝 단맛과 깊은 감칠맛을 더해줍니다. 국밥, 찌개, 떡국 등 다양한 요리에 잘 어울리는 재료입니다.

With its unique flavor profile, 디포리 is perfect for those looking to experiment with traditional Korean soups and stews. Try Kevin's Choice 디포리 for your next culinary adventure!

Buy 디포리 Here


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